The Nations

Unreached (Least Reached) 

As we seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), we recognize that many people groups have limited or no access to the gospel. At Providence, we are committed to partnering with, learning about, and actively engaging in outreach to these unreached populations. While we remain open to all people as the Lord leads, our focus is on bringing the gospel to areas where it is not currently present. Currently, we are exploring and involved in opportunities in Central and South Asia for short-term mission trips and to support long-term missionaries and nationals serving in these regions.

Healthy Church Development

We believe the church is the key to expanding God's kingdom throughout the nations. As we engage in spreading the gospel internationally, our aim is to partner with local churches and pastors whenever possible. Furthermore, we are committed to helping train, equip, and encourage churches in other parts of the world, fostering an environment where healthy churches can plant more healthy churches. We will pursue this mission through strategic partnerships in various countries.

Pathways To Go 

We are committed to sending people out from Providence to engage in global missions. We actively explore opportunities for our congregation to gain exposure to global missions, receive education about cross-cultural ministry, and discover mid-term or long-term service possibilities. As we cultivate relationships with our global partners, we seek ways for our people to connect with these partners as God guides and leads. 


The International Mission Board is the missionary sending agency of the Southern Baptist Convention. As an SBC church, we will always prioritize the IMB as we seek to fulfill God’s purpose for the nations. 

SIM (Central Asia) 

SIM is our current partner, especially with a pastor in Central Asia. This part of the world has very few healthy churches, and there is a need for the gospel. We seek to take short-term trips to this area to encourage this pastor as he seeks to grow the church in Central Asia.